
Showing posts from 2019

Final thoughts: If development is not engendered, it is endangered

( UNEP, 2018 ) Hi all, so this will be my last blogpost! Throughout this blog I have focused on a few key areas relating to gender water collection, toilets, menstrual management. I have also tried to show how the water and development paradigm links with broader social issues such as risks or attacks and sexual assaults. I feel it is important to note that while gendered harassment and attack are not explicitly sanitation issues, problems around Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) exacerbate existing vulnerably. I began this blog with the intent to focus upon a broad range of gendered topics. As I delved in during the first few weeks of term, I became interested in issues of water and sanitation problems that are generally understudied but that I felt are important to highlight within the development paradigm. Here are a few conclusions from my writings: Although women and men both need adequate access to sanitation , the provision of sustainable water supplies is in ...